Tuesday, July 2, 2013


It's pretty funny to me that just as my blogging inspiration strikes, my computer done broke. The monitor is pulling the base apart, and it's getting so hot, its nearly burned both Zac and I. 

Right now I'm writing this on my Blogger app from my phone (which coincidentally seems to be having its own problems), so I'm not even sure how this is going to look. 

We figured it wouldn't be cost effective to try and repair our 2-year-old laptop, so we semi-custom ordered a new one from Costco.com. When in doubt, I buy from Costco. Their return policies have never done us wrong (we bought & returned 3 different mattresses until we were satisfied- no questions asked).

The downside is that the estimated ship date wasn't until July 10th, so for right now our 13-year-old Sony Vaio desktop (that has NEVER been upgraded) is having to get the job done. I might as well be chiseling into stone, it's so ridiculous. Until then, I'm not sure I can be bothered with updating from my phone.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh I know how you feel! I love typing things out on my keyboard, but my kids are always on it, so I'm stuck on my phone. Yay for costco!
