Friday, September 20, 2013

Traveling Circus

We leave for California on Wednesday, and I don't know how it crept up so quickly. I'm currently making lists upon lists in preparation, and yet, I have this fear that I'll forget EVERYTHING. Flying with an infant and 4 adults (me, my bro & parents) is going to be... interesting, to say the least. (Zac's catching a separate flight.)

Every time I travel I always make an effort to pack sparingly and fail at doing so, but this time I mean it. I'm only going to check one bag between the baby and I so we don't have to spend a bazillion dollars in fees. Seeing as Aiden's gonna need a million-and-one things, I'm really gonna have to get creative and recycle my outfits and beauty products. Can I survive with only two lipsticks? Stay tuned.

I'm trying to remain calm about the actual traveling part, but the "what-ifs" keep creeping in. What if my family makes us miss our flight? What if Aiden doesn't settle on the plane? What if he takes a huge, stinky dump in my lap and there's nowhere to change him but said lap? What if they lose our luggage? WHAT IIIIIIFFFFFFFF?

It's silly, I know. I'm sure it'll all be fine, and he'll be a perfect angel. I'll just pretend he's a bee. If he can't smell my fear, then we'll be aaaaaaall good.


  1. Oh you and Aiden will be fine. Bring snacks, books, something for you. I tried to read a real book on the plane,but I couldn't focus with the baby so it was staring at magazines mostly. But he will be a perfect angel and everyone will love him on the plane and the airline attendants will give you free things because they love you guys so much. THat is what i hope for you.

    1. Thank you, Miss! I don't know if I'll be doing much reading, but I can hope! If the baby is awake, he'll just rip the pages. We'll see. :)

  2. Where are you traveling to in CA? You'll do great on the plane - for take off and landing have him eating (nursing or bottle) to get his ears popping. And in those teeny tiny airplane bathrooms they do have a fold down changing table! It's hidden in the wall, I never saw it before I had a baby. And everyone will love him - all those horror stories about mean people not liking babies on airplanes, I'm happy to say that we have traveled (flights) with our toddler now no less than 20 times in his little 3 year life and I have YET to encounter someone who didn't smile and coo and who wasn't just totally understanding of us. Relax, and really, try to enjoy it! :) Happy travels!

    1. We're staying in Whittier, and traveling all over So. Cal. My entire family (both sides) lives there! I lived in Riverside until I was 9.

      Thanks for the kind words! I'm hoping all of our fellow passengers will be as nice and understanding as yours were. :)
