Saturday, June 22, 2013

5 Months

As of yesterday, Aiden is now 5-months-old. I know. He's growing and changing every day, and it just blows my mind. Last night, almost out of nowhere, he started to laugh, giggle, and smile at the dog for the very first time. Parker sneezed, and apparently, that's one of Aiden's favorite things. It was the first time he's laughed unprovoked, and it was simply the sweetest.

He made a full transition to the nursery 3 nights ago, and it took a lot of energy not to get to the ugly cry. I shed a few tears as I changed him before bed, but I kept it together. I am one sentimental fool lately. It's pretty funny, and a little surprising. Before he was born, I always expected Aiden to sleep in our room for the first 3 months out of necessity. What I didn't expect was to get so attached to his presence. Just to know he was a couple of feet away, nestled in the pack 'n play was so comforting to me.

In the last couple of weeks he's started rolling around like crazy, but only to his right (though yesterday it really seemed like he was trying for the left). And just one week ago, we witnessed his first success at crawling. It's kind of like an inch worm, or army crawl, but I'll be damned if he isn't going places!

We're starting to make strides with his sleeping schedule, namely nap time. It isn't perfect yet, but he's had more 1-3 hour naps in the last 5 days than he has in the last few MONTHS combined. He just hasn't been a great napper. But, I'm really focusing on the eat, play, sleep mantra and it seems to be helping our cause. Maybe I'll actually be able to take a nap myself. Wouldn't that be lovely. He's also been swaddle-free since Wednesday. He's out there Jerry, and he's loving every minute of it!

There've been a lot of big changes for us in the last few days. I just wish he'd slow down sometimes. There's no rush.