Wednesday, April 24, 2013

How I Accidentally Became A SAHM

6 months ago, at nearly 30-weeks pregnant, I was fired from my job of 4 years. Before that day, I'd never even had so much as a warning at any job I've held.

Sometimes I still can't believe it, because it caught me totally off-guard, and I'm still quite flabbergasted with the entire situation. The reason why I don't really talk about it in public is because my husband and I were co-workers, and he still works there. The dust has definitely settled, and as I stated in an earlier post, I was going to delve into the details. 

However, after some discussion, because Zac is still with the company we don't feel comfortable publicly disclosing what happened in full.

That being said, it turned out to be such a blessing in disguise. We were pretty outraged at first, and scrambling to figure out our next course of action. But shortly thereafter, we realized we'd be just fine. I was able to finish out my pregnancy by getting as much rest and preparation in as possible before the baby's arrival, instead of worrying how I'd be able to continue working as my stomach grew larger and my body grew weary. 

Life definitely threw us an unexpected twist when this went down, but I tend to believe the phrase "everything happens for a reason." And so far, things are going pretty damn well.

*If you're truly curious what happened, feel free to ask in private.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

3 Months

Today, our little boy turned 3 months old. It's true what they say, that kids grow up so fast. Each day, I try to remember this, and soak up each moment that I can. Being a new parent is not without its challenges, but I've been proud of myself that I've managed to keep my cool throughout this experience. 

I'm able to laugh at things like being peed, pooped, and spit-up on. I haven't yet become angry at the (incredibly) early morning wake-ups. That's saying something, because this girl LOVES to sleep. Trust. But, when I peer into his pack-n-play that's beside our bed, and his little eyes light up as soon as he sees me; well, it just washes away any annoyance that I have for being so exhausted. And then I hope he'll go back to sleep easily, so I can get more rest. Just keepin' it real. 

Every day I fall deeper in love with this child. He brings Zac and I so much joy, and seeing them interact often brings me to tears. The happiest kind. 

With each new month, I take photos to commemorate our growing boy. Today, after 10+ months of not using our digital camera, I finally broke it out again. It reminded me that I really need to brush up on my photography skills, because I already forgot what little knowledge I had. I also wished that I thought of using the elephant as our monthly photo friend before today. Ah, well. Better late than never. Here's one of the shots that wasn't terribly blurry or out of focus:

Aiden - 3 Months Old

Saturday, April 20, 2013

We Meet Again

Well, I just (foolishly?) renewed this domain, so I thought I should probably write something. I've had a couple of major life changes since we last spoke:

-I was fired from my job (the first time that's ever happened to me) at 30 weeks pregnant. I'll delve into that a little more later.

-I gave birth to the most beautiful baby boy on January 21st. We named him Aiden. He'll be 3 months old tomorrow, and I just can't believe it. I can see little changes in him as each day passes, but one thing remains constant: he is the light of my life.

I've been wanting to write more, but have been terribly busy, or just haven't known when to start. But, you've got to start somewhere. And so this is me, starting again. Hello.